Usui Reiki Natural Healing

Chrissie Clout
Usui Reiki Master Teacher / Practitioner


Why do a Combined Reiki 1 and 2 Course

This is one of the most common questions asked by students of all levels. I pray that this article helps more students understand why I believe it is essential for most people to take Reiki I and II together.

  • 1. Traditional Reiki v non-traditional

We hear much about courses being taught as 'Traditional Reiki'. But what does 'Traditional' mean? Surely it means what was originally taught. Usui Sensei rediscovered Reiki in 1922. We also know that it was Usui's student, Dr Hayashi, who introduced the system of Reiki I, II and III; and that it was the students of Mrs Takata (who was Dr Hayashi's student) who introduced the 'waiting time' between Reiki I, II and III. This means that Reiki has been 'non-traditional' ever since Usui passed over. Therefore only Usui taught Reiki I and II at the same time. So, if we truly wish to learn Reiki in the Traditional Usui Sensei manner, we should learn Reiki I and II together.

  • 2. Would Reiki I & II attunements on one course be too powerful?

I believe that for most students this should be the opposite question: 'Would Reiki I and II attunements on separate I and II courses be too weak?' Many students come to Reiki after already being healers or into an aspect of spirituality. These students may find that they gain little from the Reiki I attunements - they are already there!

Certainly it is possible for an attunement to be inappropriate for a student, but I find this happens in a small minority of cases. And if it is the case, then even Reiki I will be negative. For example, maybe paranoid, spiritually disturbed or possessed persons should not have even Reiki I attunements!

It is the duty of the Reiki Master not to take on every student. Instead, if negative health aspects of a student are discovered, the Reiki Master should discuss the attunement suitability.

  • 3. The Reiki II Symbols

Recent scientific research shows that different conditions have different vibrations; and that similarly different vibrations are therefore needed to heal them. Most healing methods in the Western world only channel the one spiritual vibration. But the power of Reiki lies in the conscious choice of which of three symbols to use. Thus, if we are giving Reiki to a schizophrenic or bereaved person, we can deliberately choose the mental/emotional symbol. This 'pre-programmes' the energy - and informs the guides, angels etc. of what is needed. This conscious 'pre-programming' can only be achieved after attending a Reiki II course.

There are many other reasons why I and II should be taken together. For example, Reiki I is often mainly about self-healing and Reiki II mainly about healing others. Because there are many similar aspects of healing of self and others, it is more appropriate, and saves much time, if these similar aspects can be taught at once.

To summarise, it can be seen that the benefits of taking Reiki I and Reiki II on a combined course far outweigh any potential disadvantages. And if a situation arises during a class, e.g. an emotional release, a Reiki Master should be able to transform any negative into positive. Masters are there to help those in need. Let all Reiki Masters act out their title: be a spiritual and healing Master of every situation.

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