Usui Reiki Natural Healing  


Chrissie Clout
Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master



Reiki Courses Index

All Reiki training courses are taught in London (pls email for address)
Tel: 020 8319 3949 or Email:
Classes are small and friendly in groups 2-6 persons, with individual attention. Ongoing support and monthly Reiki Share Group. Individual teaching can also be arranged or if you have a group of friends together who wish to learn, workshops can be run from your home.

Reiki 1 and 2 Combined Course
Reiki 1 Initiation Course
Reiki 2 Intermediate Course
Reiki Healing Mastership Training 3
Reiki Master Teacher Training 4
Why should I do a 1 & 2 Combined Course ?
How to Book Your Course

Reiki 1 and 2 Combined Course 
Two day Intensive course £200 - London, - deposit £40
8/9 March, 12/13 April, 10/11 May, 7/8 June, 12/13 July, 9/10 Aug, 13/14 Sept, 11/12 Oct, 8/9 Nov

This course teaches both Japanese and Western Reiki. Learn Hibiki, Byosen, Jakikiri Jokaho and how Dr. Usui taught Reiki in Japan. Also how Mrs Takata taught Reiki in the West, latest discoveries, how Reiki works, Standard and Guided Hand Positions for self healing and healing others, how to heal children, pets and animals, distant healing, scanning, beaming energy across a room or street and Reiki 2 Symbols and how to use them to heal different conditions. This includes the symbol for physical healing and power, another for mental or emotional healing or for the healing of goals and plans, and a third for distant healing through either time or space, to heal from another town or country, or to heal your past and your future. You will also learn about the Aura and how to heal it, why and how to use the Hui Yin, Chakras, proof of how to turn Reiki on and off, Kanji Hand Positions (e.g. to use for extra power, extra help from Ascended Masters, extra knowledge, or extra understanding) and many additional subjects not usually taught by other training. You will receive 5 Traditional Reiki Attunements to raise your vibration and heighten your ability. Most important; you will discover your own individual way to use one or more of your 7 senses for more effective healings in a way that will be very natural to you. The 130 page Manual takes you from beginner to running your own Healing Centre. You will enjoy this course. Even existing Reiki Masters or students who have been healers for many years, often give evaluation scores of 10 out of 10
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Reiki 1 Initiation Course
One day Intensive £75 - London, - deposit £40

8 March, 12 April, 10 May, 7 June, 12 July, 9 Aug, 13 Sept, 11 Oct, 8 Nov

This complete course Reiki 1 course includes Reiki history, frequency healing with Rei an Ki energies, Reiki and the law, psychic and spiritual potential, how to use your individual healing gifts, caveats, how Reiki works, hand positions for self healing/healing others, four attunements, biofeedback, and many extras not taught by others. 
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Reiki 2 Intermediate Course
One day Intensive £145 - London, - deposit £40

9 March, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June, 13 July, 10 Aug, 14 Sept, 12 Oct, 9 Nov

This complete Reiki 2 course includes how to use 3 Reiki symbols, switching energy on and off, what the energies can be used for, how to use energies, the 2nd degree attunement, distant healing, beaming, scanning, Ki-healing, Japanese healing and many extras not taught elsewhere. This is a powerful day. Come and be amazed at many skills you can use to help yourself, others and the world.
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Reiki Healing Mastership Training 3 
Two day Intensive £240 - London, - deposit £40
Pls call to discuss

Learn how many Japanese professional specialist techniques may be used to possibly relieve the symptoms of some trauma, future worries, muscle injury, energy blocks, immune system, addictions, bereavement, meridian moving pains, mental attitudes, sadness, anger, past concerns, and many others.  Learn of NLP, healing into death, intention, breathing technique, magnetic healing, crystals.  Learn that we are not a substitute for doctors; that we encourage patients to seek or continue treatment with qualified medical practitioners; but that a healer working with a GP improved symptom scores of 72% of the chronic patients the doctors could not help.   E.g. most bad emotions from the past cured within 15 mins.  If you have a healing clinic, you’ll be surprised at the better post-course results.  Most students are cured of more than one problem on this amazing course.  Dr Usui, the founder of Reiki, wrote of ‘Cure’.   Try the techniques.
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Reiki Master Teacher Training 4 
Two day Intensive £300 - London, - deposit £40
Please call to discuss

Learn the Japanese Reiju attunement process. You will learn the traditional Usui Master Symbol and Tibetan Master Symbol.  Also taught on this course is a special Reiki Meditation, spiritual and scientific evidence how Reiki works. Learn Psychic Surgery on this course. The focus of this course is how to be a truly competent Reiki Master, in every sense. After the course you will know how to give beautiful Reiki attunements to yourself, others and at a distance in Usui, Takata and Tibetan systems. These wonderful blessings from the universe include Dr. Usui's attunement methods and the 'Healing Attunement', which can be used for a patient who is difficult to heal. Healing Attunements cut through the blocks and barriers, leaving a freer path for Reiki energies to cure. There can be few finer gifts to your soul or the world, than becoming a knowledgeable Reiki Master. 
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Course Booking 

Please register for your chosen course(s) via email at and / or you can register via phone on 0208 319 3949.  

Certification and Manual
Certification of the training is given at each level including Manuals.  

Class Sponsorship Program
For persons interested in receiving Reiki training in exchange for organizing a class, you can join the Reiki Sponsorship Programme.  The following requirements are necessary to complete a Class Sponsorship as exchange for your class tuition.

  • Recruit and register 4-6 students
  • Be the "contact person" for questions, directions, etc., for the class
  • Develop your commitment to Reiki by building your practice of Reiki. 

This program is an excellent way to empower yourself and your friends, family and community. 

To apply for the sponsorship program, please apply via email including your address, telephone number and a short paragraph explaining your interest in Reiki, the level of training you are interested in sponsoring and any prior training (not necessary). 

Class concessions available for students, OAPs, and those unemployed and on benefits.   Please provide your necessary cards.  25% off the course fee.  Please email or call me to discuss. 

If you have studied Reiki before and feel you would like a refresher and to be reattuned, you can take your class again with me which many students do at 25% off the course fee.  Please provide your original Reiki certificates. 

Gift Certificates 
Gift certificates available to purchase in part or full payment of a class.   You choose the amount of the gift certificate.  It is important that the recipient must want to learn Reiki and as monies will not be refunded; though can be exchanged or transferred to another student or class. 

These are a selection of hotels nearby. 

Weston House Hotel
8 Eltham Green, London, SE9 5LB
Tel: 020 88505191

Yardley Court Hotel 
18 Court Yard, Eltham, London, Kent, SE9 5PZ
Tel: 0870 2407060


For more details contact via:

Phone:  0208 319 3949


| Home | About Reiki | Reiki Classes | About Chrissie Clout | Reiki I Initiation Course | Reiki II Intermediate Course |
| Reiki I & II Combined Course | Reiki Healing Mastership Training 3 | Reiki Master Teacher Training 4 |
Why Do A Combined RI&II Course | Treatment Sessions | Reiki Support Group | Sponsorship | Course Dates |
| Practitioner Information | Reiki Links |
Recommended Reading | Contact Me |